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How Pets Affect Your AC


Dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, or even chinchillas. Our pets are our beloved companions and, in my many cases, they’re just as much a member of the family as anyone else. But is it possible they’re not as wonderful for our AC systems?

The answer, sadly, is yes. Any animal that sheds is going to be destructive to your HVAC system in your home. It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be avoided. Hair gets into the ducts, clogs up the vent, and eventually gets sucked into the system. This can break the system if not properly taken care of, costing you thousands.

We have a few tips to keep the hair manageable though. Follow these and you’ll find your system is running smoother and more efficiently. And, in the long run, that means less you have to spend to keep you, and your pets, cool on a hot day.

Nothing can keep your air conditioning system running perfectly forever, but your efforts will go a long way. You can make sure your HVAC system is as efficient as possible by your own means, and then call the professionals at AC Repair Las Vegas to handle the maintenance and major repairs.

If you found our tips insightful, share it with your fellow pet owners on Facebook, Twitter, and more. And if you any other helpful ideas to manage all that excess hair, comment below!

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